Excursion Documentation

Risk Assessment and Public Liability Insurance

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex Visitor Centre Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency

Booking an Excursion

We look forward to making your visit as easy and enjoyable as possible. Please note that places fill fast each Term, so your advance booking helps us to ensure that staff are available to guide you through your visit.

Further information on booking an excursion can be found on the following links:
Year 3-6
Year 7-12
Home School

Things you need to know

The Visitor Centre is located on the grounds of the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex about 45 minutes drive southwest of Canberra city centre.

Due to the relative isolation of the Complex, you need to note the following:

  • Mobile phone coverage in the area is limited
  • First aid assistance can be provided by staff but ambulance services would take up to 45 minutes to reach the Complex (please advise us of any known/potential medical issues)
  • Roads in the area are sealed but rough surfaces can be encountered - please drive carefully
  • The nearest petrol station is 25 kilometres from the Complex (we do not provide fuel)
  • Roads wind through bush and farmland, so animals (kangaroos, emus, wombats, sheep and cows) do move across roads without warning at any time of day - please drive carefully

Bringing students to the Complex, we expect that you will:

  • Ensure that there is an adequate 'teacher to student' ratio as required by your local education departments
  • Ensure that students are supervised at all times and that members of the public are not disturbed or inconvenienced
  • Ensure that you are carrying any medications required by students - we cannot administer any medications but will provide general first aid and contact medical services if required
  • Ensure that students follow all instructions given by staff