Contact Us

General business enquiries

Phone: +61 2 6201 7800

CDSCC Postal Address

All mail and post to this address

PO Box 1035, Tuggeranong ACT 2901 Australia

Physical Address:

421 Discovery Drive, Paddy's River District ACT 2620
(off Cotter & Paddy's River Rds, Tidbinbilla)

Public relations enquiries:

Phone: +61 2 6201 7838 or 7809

Media Enquiries

Mr Glen Nagle, CSIRO Space and Astronomy
+61 477 379 959 (strictly no public calls) or +61 2 6201 7838 (office)

School booking enquiries:

To enquire about school excursions or to make a booking:
Dr Korinne McDonnell
Education and Outreach Officer
Phone: +61 2 6201 7809 or 7838

NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Contacts

Phone: +1 818 354 4321
Media and Contact Webpage

We Value Your Feedback

We are always striving to improve the things we do. Your comments and suggestions are important to us.

If there is some way that you feel that we can improve...

  • our visitor services
  • our public website
  • our educational programs
  • our displays and exhibit information

...or, you simply have a general enquiry, we welcome your comments.

Equally, we always like to hear from you if have a favourable comment about anything you enjoyed during your visit to the Complex.

Please feel free to send us an email message at anytime, or contact us through the services listed on the left.

Also feel free to send us a comment or message through our social media channels.

We look forward to hearing from you.